ABOUT MEI am passionate about teaching others how to use E.F.T. Tapping to get relief from both cognitive-emotional issues and physical ailments.
A former foreign language teacher, I taught English as Foreign Language during the 17 years that I lived abroad, as well as Spanish as a Second Language at a trauma-informed rehabilitation center in Sonoma, California. My experience at that residential treatment center proved invaluable to my understanding of human development and helped spark what was to become my main personal and professional interest: human behavior. MY FIRST EXPERIENCE TAPPING
My passion for E.F.T. began on November 1st, 2017, the day after one of my first sessions as a student of Tapping. I woke up that morning feeling calmer than usual. I gradually became more aware that things were going to be different that day when I noticed I had an unusual preference for silence during my commute to work; I didn’t need to distract myself with music or a newscast. Though I did not have an explanation for what was going on, it was as if a mild state of nervousness—that I hadn’t even known I was living with—had suddenly vanished! This left me free to experience the present moment without the habitual concerns that were so typical of the mildly distracted state I had lived in my entire adult life. When I arrived to work I found myself with extra time to admire my students’ artwork. In what would be the first of many similar experiences, I began to perceive what seemed like the slowing down of time. I found myself able to get more things done in less time—and with less generalized trepidation. By the end of the day I was so taken aback by the changes in my perception that I wrote the person who taught me Tapping in order to ask if what I was experiencing was normal. Since that watershed day, I have come to understand that those types of changes—among many, many others—are all quite normal when we calm the nervous system. For the last 6 years I have been a fervent student—and, now, teacher—of this ground-breaking, self-help technique. With each passing week I am more and more convinced that E.F.T. Tapping could be the single most important tool that we have at our disposal for our world to finally find its way out of the fragmented, violence-prone cycle it has been immersed in for centuries on end. MY EXPERIENCES TAPPING ON MY OWN PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS My experience using E.F.T. on my own physical conditions includes: to break a fever, to alleviate stiffness in the hip, and to reduce shoulder discomfort. For more information about symptom relief I have helped others achieve for both physical and cognitive-emotional issues, click on the SERVICES tab above. |